What do you think when you listen to the word destruction? A lot of people think in wars and weapons. There are many kind of weapons that are used around the world and countries are producing these dangerous arms, and their governments are investing such much money in order to have the capability to produce or just acquire these one. The known kinds of weapons are chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear, and all of them are causing terrible consequences in our society.
First, which are chemical and biological weapons? Well this kind of weapon is related to chemical or biological agents as an example could be mentioned: blood and bacterial agents, these are treated by people who have knowledge and expertise about it and have a laboratory in order to create heavy biological weapon. These ones are easier and less expensive to create than nuclear weapons and, unfortunately a lot of people have enough knowledge to produce these lethal arms.
Second, which are radiological and nuclear weapons? These arms are constructed by terrorist groups around the world, and these ones represent a serious hazard to everybody. This kind of weapon spreads radioactive substances that are contaminating the air and water, and, of course it is affecting the health of the humans being. These arms are so much expensive than chemical ones.
Then, all these arms are producing horrible consequences in our society, as an illustration, people are experiencing a lack of love in their lives; they just want to make money no matter their family, friends, and children. How people can be so cruel with other people? It is so difficult to understand but it’s our reality and governments are not doing anything in order to reduce these dangerous situations.
In conclusion, nowadays people are living in constant hazard cause by the proliferation of the use of weapons around the world. As we can see in the movie named the Lord of the War, weapons traffic is increasing and more people are involved in this illegal business and at the same time breaking family’s relationships.
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